全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127


发布:5/23/2023 4:07:16 PM作者:Lisa点击:622






1. 专业方向:英语、法语、朝鲜语、西班牙语、俄语、德语、日语等。

2. 招聘岗位:全职语言类或专业类外籍教师;合同期10个月,到期后经双方同意可续聘。


1. 遵守中华人民共和国宪法和法律法规,尊重中华民族的风俗习惯;在其原居住国内无法律纠纷,无犯罪记录;

2. 所有外籍教师应来自与讲授课程相对应的母语国家;

3. 专业类教师须具有博士学位和相关专业工作经历,优先聘请在海外高校或科研机构担任助理教授及以上职位的教师;语言类教师须具有硕士及以上学位,受过语言教学的专门训练并具有2年以上教育领域的相关工作经历(须出具正式证明材料)。

4. 身体健康,具有良好的个人品质、严谨求实的科学作风、健康向上的心理素质及善于合作的团队精神,应聘人年龄一般不超过50岁,语言类教师年龄可以适当放宽。














Foreign Teacher Recruitment Announcement for School of Foreign Languages and Literature at Shandong University

School of Foreign Languages and Literature is located on the Hongjialou campus of Shandong University (Jinan). It was founded in 1930. The faculty of the school has high comprehensive quality, excellent academic background, extensive teaching expertise, and strong research ability. The school also has a scientific and ideal educational background and subject distribution.

In order to further improve the internationalization level of our school and meet the needs of foreign language teaching, we are now recruiting outstanding foreign teachers at home and abroad.

1. Job descriptions

(1) Specialty areas: English, French, Korean, Spanish, Russian, German, Japanese.

(2) Job positions: full-time foreign teachers for language courses and disciplinary courses. The contract duration is 10 months, and it can be renewed upon negotiation after the expiration of the contract.

2. Qualifications:

(1) Abide by the Constitution, laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, respect the customs and culture of the Chinese nation, and have no legal disputes or criminal records in their country of origin.

(2) All foreign teachers should come from native-speaking countries corresponding to their specialty areas.

(3) Foreign teachers for language courses must have a master’s degree or higher, have received special training in language teaching, and have a minimum of 2 years relevant work experience in education (official evidence of working experience is required); Teachers for disciplinary courses must have a doctorate degree and relevant work experience, and preference will be given to teachers who hold positions of assistant professor or higher in overseas universities or research institutions.

(4) Applicants must be healthy, both physically and mentally, and have good personal qualities, a rigorous, realistic, and scientific working style, and a great sense of team spirit. Applicants are ideally under 50 years old, and for language teachers, this requirement is flexible.

3. Duties and Responsibilities

(1) Location: Jinan City, Shandong Province.

(2) Tasks: To teach courses in speaking, listening, writing, and culture of their native countries

(3) Teaching hours:12-16 class hours/week are required for foreign teachers of language courses; 8-10 class hours/week are required for foreign teachers of disciplinary courses.

4. Salary and Benefits

(1) According to the foreign teachers’ academic background and relevant working qualifications, the starting salary of foreign teachers for language courses is 12,400 yuan/month, and for foreign teachers for disciplinary courses, it is 13,000 yuan/month.

(2) Shandong University purchases "Medical Insurance for Foreigners and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Visitors to China" for foreign teachers who have signed employment contracts.

(3) Shandong University provides apartments for foreign teachers; however, the applicants should be responsible for the rent, water, electricity, heating, and other expenses.

5. How to Apply

If you are interested in the foreign teaching position, please contact us for more information:


Address: Hongjialou, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Shandong University, Jinan City, Shandong Province

This recruitment is long-term effective. School of Foreign Languages and Literature of Shandong University warmly welcomes outstanding experts and scholars to join us!

