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原标题:Foreign english teacher from Norway

发布:11/6/2014 11:12:03 AM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:1213

原标题:Foreign english teacher from Norway


His name is Cain from Norway the Europe, he is a very nice guy, and the most important is that his english is really good, i met him on the internet and it was one of my friend that introduce him to me, he is very humor and easy going person, and i like to talk to him very much so start from that moment we have become good friend, he told me that how much he loves china, and and chinese history and culture, so he really like to get a job in china, that is suitable for him and he even ask me to help him, and of course as his good friend i am for sure will help him, i will do i that i can to support him, and he really appreciated that, also i am very happy if there is anything i can do to help him, it makes me more greatful.


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So after that i begin to contact some of the job agencys for him, and send the contact details to him one by one and let him the choose the most good ones that he can reply on and can trust, and i also helped him to talk to some of them and give him some suggestions, i was really good job that we did and i discover that we both had a very good cooperation together, and i also very exited and happy to welcome him here in china.

First of all i helped him to make a self introduction video, it was not easy to make and transfer the video, it took us a lots of time to fix the video, but this is very important that i told him it must to be done perfectly, so that it can gain you more chance to get a good and suitable jobs in china, so he listened to me and did a very good and success video, and i sent them to some of the schools and also the job agency, and actually it did not talke very long time and we got a job already here in china, a very good and suitable job for him, i was really happy for that, and my friend too, was really exited about this, and he said that he could not get to sleep at night cause of this, and he was so exited and happy, that he can come to china and work in as his wishes become true already, and i was really happy for him too, it was a wonderful and amazing feelings when i helped a foreigners to get what they want here in china, i felt that i was a very great person on that, and i also really happy for all of them when they get succeed, i was really satisfied at that moment and could share it with everyone, its really amazing, and i cherished a lot and willing to keep good relations with my foreign friends.

 美国外教wj22512663的头像 其他外教wj22511820的头像 美国外教wj22510288的头像 美国外教wj22509650的头像


And after this, Cain was very busy on get ready of himself for the travelling and the work in china, so i just lefe him for some days for him to go and apply for the visa, and book the flight and prepare his luggage, say bye to his friends and his family, and so on, and he was really had a hard work during these days and too many things keeps him always busy and get tired, i understand him, if for me would be the same or even more busy than him, so Cain told me that all his friends and family are happy for him got a good job in china, and all of them are very much happy and support him to work in china, it was a good chance and gain more expericence and learn about china more, so it is very good, i am happy for him too.

The first station is Hongkong, so he went there for transfer of his plane, and it was a long journey, so i was waiting for his call, and waiting for him to call me when he arrives in Hongkong, but i am not worried at all, just want to know whether he is ok and safe or not, and how about his trip, hope he is not get too tired of it, so as i said he called me after he arrives Hongkong, and he just stayed there for 2 hours and then took a air plane to the school direct, so i am ok with it, and also the shcool told me that they will pick him up at the airport and they told me that i don’t need to be worry, and once they get him they will give me a call and they will treat him very well, and try all their best to let him live in china very well and very comfortable.

Finally he arrives the shcool successfully and the school picked him up at the airport, and they treated him very well and i also released now.






