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发布:12/19/2014 4:59:52 PM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:1087

原标题:A english teacher from pakistan

His name is bilal and he is from pakistan, i know him from one of my foreign friends, and right now he is in china, as you know that there are a lots of pakistan and fricans are in china, so they don’t have much opportunities to get a job in china than the native speakers, but it depends really, not for all, and i read his documents carefully, i read his passport, resume and his bachelor degree and tefl certificate, actually his documents is perfect, almost complete, and also he has a z working visa which also his advantages, you know that for those who hold z working visas foreign teachers are very less, and also z visa is hard to get and it talks for long time, but bilal is got one, and the most important thing is that he has teaching expericences, and he teach and live in china for long time, i asked him for how long and it exactly is 9 years, wow that’s really a long time, so which mean he is also will be able to speak chinese, may be not very well but he can, cause he has this ability and expericences are very rich.

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So after i got and checked all his documents, and i think he is good excellent, so i decide to call him and listen to his accent, well, after the phone calls i realize that his accent it really good, almost like the native speakers, so that’s really good, so i just decided to help him to get a job as soon as possible, he is a very humor person and very polite, so he said that his friend has already tole him a lot about me, and i am also very happy to help him, it is really my pleasure to help and deal with foreigners, it was a really good expericences and also gains a lots of skills and knowledges, it really wonderful, i love doing it and it makes me feel happy so friends too, the same, and bilal said that he is very honers to know me and very greatful for my help, he is really appreciate that so much, so he said he will wait for my news and i told him that i will check for him as soon as possible and keep him update, i know clearly that he is in need of jobs so much in  urgent, so i asked some of my friend and also some schools, but unfortunately they all need teacerhs for the next sememster but not for now, well, what can i say now, i can only say that bilal is not in a good chance, and he should wait for a little while and then can take jobs for the next sememster, so after that i try to talk to him about the situation right now, so he said that he understood the situation but he can not help cause he can not wait that long and stay in no getting money and no salary, it is really terrible and he can not even imagine if continues like this how would he survival and how would he live? Wow and this is a seriouse question which also make things difficult, and also presure for me, and then at that time, there is a school called that they told me they are in need of a teacher in urgently, but is just that the location is a little bit far and the salary is not so high, but after i told bilal, he said he will take the job, concerns of his situation now and i just let him.

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But anyway, bilal was happy to get the job, though the salary is not high but its ok for him and he can manage it, he believes that the school will definately increase his salary if he do his job very well and put all himself in the work the school will see his perfect work and will like him so much and then will made his salary up, so i hope so, i hope everything will be ok for him as he imagined, so after that i let the school to send him a contract to sign and let him go to the place to work, the school at first like him and the reason why they need a forrign teacher so urgent is becuase that the teacher they had before has gone, and it made the school so mad, and the teacher was really bad which has no responsibility for the school and the students, the school is so mad and blame about the teacher is so bad and should never come back again, so that’s why i let bilal go, and instead of teh one that has left, but bilal told me that i should not worry that he will manage the job and do all his best to do his job good and let the school likes him so much and he also said that he will be so nice to his lovely students, which is really cherishable, isn’t it?




