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发布:2/27/2015 3:04:05 PM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:842

For those foreign teachers who wants high salary


There are some foreign english teachers that wants very high salary like 20000rmb per month or even more, cause they are highly qualified and also have very rich expericences in teaching field, this is for sure, but there are some skills to recommend jobs to the foreign teachers like this, first of all you can recomment some teaching jobs that offers the normal salary try and see if they can accept or not, if they can not accpet it then you can try amd recomment some higher salary jobs, just dont give them your highest salary jobs at the first, because if your job offer can not satisfy their demand they you have no jobs to recommend to them anymore, and then you became very passive, and the foreign teachers may never talk to you again just becuase of this of course, and for sure they will look for other job agency, and ignore you for ever, so that means you loose clients completely, this is not good for you, so what i do is that to start with the normal jobs recommendation first, and then get to know their requirement and get them the jobs which can offer high salary as their requirement, this is very important, so you really need to try and practise many time before you can use it very well.

And of course that for those foreign teachers who wants high salary can not just teacher oral english of course, it is for sure that no jobs can offer high salary just with oral english teaching, the higher salary are for the special subject teaching like teach A level, math, Biology, chemistry, geography, physics, calculus, economy, history and so on, so this is not easy of course, and the most important thing is that this position requires the foreign teachers must have more than 2 years teaching expericences in teaching in this subject, of course you must deserve the salary other wise you will not get such high salary, it is for sure, to everyone is the same thing, but still there are foreigne teachers are like this type, they only wants to teach those special subject and of course they requires for higher salary and more benifits, so normally those foreign teachers are hard to deal with, cause they requires to much and more and more strict with some specific items, such like the school must be the public schools and can not accept any of others school like trainging school or private school they can not accept those type of schools, and there are some foreign teachers requires the school must be the university, but as we know that the university jobs are always provide with low salary but relax works, and also there are only few university can offer such high salary and also requires the foreign teachers must be highly qualified and with rich expericences with no less than 2 years teaching expericences, so both the foreign teachers like this and the school are very hard to deal with, i have been in this case before and it tooks a lots of time to make the deal, so it need a very hard working before can get the jobs done successfully i must make it very clear now.

And for those teachers what i always do is that i must pay a lots of patience for this and keep on checking the available job for them and must do a lots of conversation for both of them and the schools, and also must do a lots of communications with the school and the foreign teachers, there are a lots of questions betweent the school and the foreign teachers, and must make them to like themselves very much and keep on checking both the school and the foreign teachers, really this is very hard working and it is not easy to make the deal, you must pay a lots of time for it and also  my pay a lots of attention and need to very harding working on it, so this is not easy at all, and normally you must keep on recommend the school for them because they are very fastidious, both of them are the same, it is very commen that after you recomment to them some schools they are still not satisfy with the jobs that you have offered them, so it is becoming harder and harder, and you just need to manage it by yourself, try more and use the chance very well.


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  1. 沟通和筛选适合学校招聘计划的外籍人才,沟恰学校和外教双方面试、签约、前期证件办理等。

  2. 在外籍人才可接受的范围内尽可能的压低外教薪资。

  3. 在外籍人才可接受的范围内尽可能的避免学校在待遇方面开支

  4. 外教入境后的接机、前期招待、证件领取、境内票务购买等。

  5. 辅助学校做好外教在校的管理工作,学校直接发工资给外教,外教中介不参与外教工资发放,学校对外教的控制力度更大,成本更低。



