全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127


发布:4/14/2015 4:41:59 PM作者:Lisa点击:910

How to solve the problems between school and foreign teachers


This is really a hard questions that when schools are having problems with the foreign teachers, i faced a lots of this cases and the most i do is communication, so the sommunication is very very important, because this is all about conversartion and good comunication with schools and also the foreign teachers, so some times it happens all the time, but also there are perfect schools and excellent foreign teachers, so those kind of problems can never happen, but this is very few, so most of them are having problems and even more seriouse problems, so what i do to this case is how to solve the problems between them.

When i get a foreign teacher a job in china i always tell him or her all the details about the job, in case of there may have some misunderstanding so i will tell the exact details to the foreign teachers on the basis of the fact, so i tell them the exact teaching hours and the exact salary of the school, and all the situation and the details about the school i will tell the foreign teacher(外教) one by one accoring from the fact and reality, so that to make sure to offer the foreign teachers the real informations about the school, so if they can accept the job, then which mean when they arrives the school may not have big problems, so after this i will also set up an interview for them with the school directly, and let them to have a skype interivew through the skype video calls, so that they can see themselves and talk and have a conversation, the foreign teachers can ask whatever they like to the school, like about how to deal with the visa, and how is the accomodation looks like, is it shared or private, and about the students age and how many in a class, how long is the class, is there any material provided in the class and also is there any assistant provided in the class, how much english skills does the students have for now, and which level are they now so that the foreign teachers will know how to deal with the students and from where to starting the teaching, so its good for the school and also for the foreign teachers, so that they can know each other better and more, and its also good for them to have a good coorperations in the near future, so after the interview, if the foreign teachers likes the school and also the schools likes the foreign teachers too, and also the interview went on very well, they both feel very satisfy with themselves, and there are no more questions and problems, and the school are also very satisfied with the foreign teachers with the outside looking and the accent, and also very satisfied with the foreign teacher’s teaching expericences and also likes their personality, so definately they got the job, so the next thing is to buy the ticket and arrive the school as soon as possible, and about the contract, they can sign before they are leaving and also can sign the contract when they arrives and sign the contract with the school face to face, its better that way, well it does not matter when and how to sign the contract since the school already decide to hire them.

So the only problem is that when the foreign teachers外教网) arrives the school, if there are some changes or if there are something happend and somethings changed, so there is nothing and anyone can do, this is like the accident that no one have a vision of it in advance, so if such kind of thing happens, we can only try all the best to solve the problems, but if there are still no solutions about the problems in the end, then the only thing can do is let it go, cause nothing good can happen when you force it, so just let it go, and keep on getting the foreign teacher to the school, and try all the best to avoid such kind of the problems to happen again, so the next thing to do is the keep the foreign teachers who has just left the school, and keep on getting him or her a job as soon as possible, and try all the best to keep a good relationships with both the school and the foreign teachers and if there is a chance to get a foreign teacher’s a good job then keep on ding with it, and also if there is a suitable foreign teachers to the school then keep on with it.


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