全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 乌克兰
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 女
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1973年
  • 工作经验:2-5(年)
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:乌克兰
  • 期望工作地点: 全国均可
  • 期望税后薪资: 6000-8000(Yuan/M)




 2012Sept till now    Director of studies at International House Odessa, Ukraine
2011Sep—2012Aug    China, Weifang University, Foreign Languages Department, English Language Tutor,(Foreign Expert), Duties: Providing teaching English(speaking and listening) for Information Communication, Economics, International Trade, Management Students.
2011Sep--Dec    China, Weifang English Language Centre, English Language Teacher,(Foreign Expert), Duties: Providing English language teaching for primary and middle school students.
2011Jul--Sep    UEFA 2012 Project, Medical Staffs preparation for English communication, Kiev, Ukraine
2011 Jan--Sep    Golden Staff, Kiev/Odessa Branch, Position: a Business English Teacher for Corporate Clients (Raiffasen Bank Aval)/Key Factor ,Language Centre for seafares, business, exams & general English students.
2010Nov-Dec    Eurobook Ltd, , Methodological Department, Position: Head Methodologist, Odessa, Ukraine.
2010 Mar --Nov    Oxford Language Study Centre & Pearson Exam Center, Odessa Ukraine, Position: English Teacher & Examiner
2007 —2010Aug    International Humanitarian University, Department of Linguistics and Interpretation.
Position: Teacher of English (Business English), Manager of Translation Agency, A Chairman of Educational and Methodological Council at the Faculty of Linguistics and Interpretation
2006Jun — 2008Oct    Medical Recruiting Agency "Ajenci Staffing", "Integracia" at Kyiv State University of Public Medicine, Odessa Branch.
Position: Coordinator of Odessa Branch, Teacher of English (training for IELTS)
2003Jun — 2006Sep    Crewing Agency "Marlow Navigation Ukraine", Training Centre, Odessa.
Position: Teacher of English, Interviewer
2000 —2003    Odessa State Course of Foreign Languages ( Chkalovskie-Bell), Odessa. Position: Teacher of English
2000 —2007    Production Firm "Khimtyazhmontazh", "Karkas", Odessa.
Position: Translator (support of projects in assembling and repairing of pipelines and tanks for oil and gas companies; construction of grain and oil terminals).
1996Sep-2006Jan    Gymnasia 1, Odessa, Ukraine. Position Teacher of English
1996-1997    “Sapphire Shipping & Trading Ltd.”, building materials sales, (Odessa, 2 Marshala Govorova Str. ph: 636267) Position: Referent, Interpreter/translator. Duties: Translation of technical and business documents, contracts, participation in talks
1991Mar-Sep    “Flight Control Service”, Odessa Airport. Position: Interpreter.
Duties:. Translation during communication with liners.
1990 — 1991    “Chamber of Commerce”, Odessa. Position: Interpreter/translator. Duties: Translation of all kinds of documents, contracts, participating in talks
1990 — 1995    “Kohli Cross Rolling Pvt. Ltd.” (Delhi, India), Odessa Office. Position: Interpreter/translator. Duties: Translation of technical and business documents, contracts, participating in talks, guidance



 2013,Jan,13    Certificate in Applied Complimentary Therapy Techniques in the classroom—London Teaching Training College(LTTC),UK
2012,Aug,10-18    ‘Train the trainer’ course, British Council, Ukraine
2012, May16    Macmillan Conference’ Teaching Students in “Global” ELT Environment’ participation in the conference, Kiev, Ukraine
2012, Mar23    III Annual Cambridge Day Conference, participation in the Workshop:’Aimimg high with PET and KET’ and ‘Striking the balance between fluency and accuracy – how to assess speaking fairly’, Kiev, Ukraine




