全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 硕士
  • 性别: 女
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1980年
  • 工作经验:0-1(年)
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:罗马尼亚
  • 期望工作地点: 全国均可
  • 期望税后薪资: 6000-8000(Yuan/M)




 January 7th, 2013 - present, International News Editor, Money TV(电视台新闻编辑) -    station, Bucharest – I cover the most important international events along with our correspondents and reporters.  I monitor the main international news wires (Reuters, AP, CNN, etc) I write the scripts, choose the footage and assist the video editing process for the packages aired in the TV news bulletins and posted our website Money.ro  I cover the daily activity of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and  the most important events organized by some foreign embassies. Sometimes, I conduct interviews with foreign diplomats or politicians visiting Romania. When necessary,  I go live or perform live simultaneous translations  of important events (such as the Oscar Ceremony, Oscar Nominations or press conferences organized by international politicians, the EU, NATO, etc)

October 2011- December 2012 - International News Editor,(编辑)  Romania Tv -same responsabilities

May -October 2011 - International News Editor Realitatea TV,  Bucharest  - same responsibilities

November 2010 – May 2011 – International News Editor Antena 1 and Antena 3 TV stations, Bucharest.  - same responsibilities.

April –July 2010 – International News Editor “Puterea” newspaper, Bucharest.
Responsibilities: Writing the articles published on the International news page of the newspaper as well as the International news section of the website. I did all the necessary research (on line, by phone, or by face to face interviews), I chose the appropriate pictures and videos to go with the articles and I assisted the layout team with the pagination.

August- September 2009 – Web  Editor “Click” newspaper, Bucharest
Responsibilities: I coordinated the International News section of the website “clik.ro”. I decided what went online on my section, wrote some of the articles along with my colleagues, decided what pictures, videos or animation to use with the material, etc. Sometimes, I edited in Photoshop the main pictures and articles that were posted online.

 February- July 2009 - video-journalist (Sydney correspondent) for Antena 1 and Antena3 TV stations, Bucharest. (since corresponding is very close to freelancing, I had to do everything by myself. I found  the stories, I talked to the people involved, made the interviews, filmed, edited the footage and wrote the scripts. I have experience in working with digital video editing programmes  (Avid Express, Adobe Premier, Final Cut Pro) and with video cameras.  When there were important events or breaking news stories I also went live by telephone.

 Between March and July 2009, I also acted as a reporter for the National Australian Radio, SBS, reporting for the Romanian language programme      (here I covered events that involved the Romanian community in Sydney. My responsibilities included research, interviewing, writing the scripts and recording the pieces that were aired on the radio)

September 2008 – February 2009 – Video Journalist (Dublin correspondent) for Antena 1 and Antena 3 TV Stations, Romania. (responsibilities : same as above)

June 2007-August 2008 – Foreign Affairs Reporter, Cotidianul Newspaper, Bucharest. Here I covered the Ministry of  Foreign Affairs, some defense areas (like Ministry of Defense, NATO or American troops in Romania) and the European Union. Sometimes, I also had to write stories on some Eastern Europe areas such as ex Yugoslavia, Moldova or the ex Soviet space.

November 2006-June 2007 - International News Editor, Antena 1 and Antena 3 TV station, Bucharest. My main responsibilities were monitoring the news wires, writing the most important stories on International filed, keeping in contact with reporters and correspondents and supervising the video editing process for the news packages aired in the News Bulletins.  In several occasions, I acted as a producer for some live interviews and I translated live on TV some international  events (such as the Oscars or the Oscar  Nominations )

June 2005-November 2006 – International News Editor and Producer, B1 TV station , Bucharest. Responsibilities: I prepared the entire international news section of a TV news bulletin. That included: choosing the topics, writing the scripts, interviewing the people involved, image editing (very often using Reuters footage), live interventions, live translations, etc. In a few occasions I had to prepare special editions and go live in the studio as an analyst for important events such as: The protests over Prophet Mohammed’s pictures, death of Slobodan Milosevic or the 2006 war in Lebanon.

February 2005-June 2005 – International News writer,  „Gardianul" newspaper, Bucharest – Responsibilities: News gathering and writing from international agencies. I also covered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of European Integration.

September-December 2004 – International News Writer, National TV, Bucharest

March -August 2004 – International News Writer, Alpha TV, Bucharest

July 2003-March 2004 – International News Writer Tele 7 ABC TV station Bucharest.

June 2002- June 2003- International News Writer, Mediafax News Wire, Bucharest .

Personal qualities: I am used to work on a deadline, I can prioritize responsibilities,  I have good people skills, good communication skills, I can handle stressful situations quite well and I am good with team work.



 August 2010-August 2012 -  Master of Science (Msc) in Development and  International Relations (Global Refugees Studies), Aalborg University Denmark (Copenhagen campus).
Between July and December 2011, I completed an internship at ARCA -   Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants- which is an NGO in Bucharest, specialized in assisting  refugees and asylum seekers in their efforts to integrate in Romania.  My main responsibility was to teach Romanian language to  refugees and asylum seekers. My students were generally English or French speakers and the courses were conducted in either English or French.

September 2008-  March 2010 -  Master of Arts (M.A.) in International Journalism, Dublin City University, Ireland.
Between February and August 2009, I was on a study abroad semester at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

2004 – Bachelor’s degree in Journalism awarded by the West University Timisoara, Romania

1999 – High school diploma awarded by the "Mihai Eminescu" High school in Baia Mare, Romania. (I attended a special class of intensive French language teaching)




