全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1972年
  • 工作经验:>5(年)
  • 到岗: 一个月内
  • 所在地:日本
  • 期望工作地点: 广州三亚西安
  • 期望税后薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)




 WeGo Eigo
Preschool, and Children English Instructor Sept 2012-Present(幼儿园老师)
Full responsibility for planning and teaching English to various levels of students from preschool until early high school.

Keimei Gakuen Mar 2012-July 2012
Children, Intermediate, and Advanced English Instructor.初中高中英语老师
Full Responsibility for planning and teaching English to various levels of students from Kindergarten to advanced as well as preparing a low level speaker for the student exchange program where she will be attending High School in San Antonio, Texas during the 2012-2013 school year.

Grace International School-Ome, Tokyo Japan Sept 2011-June 2012
5th Grade Homeroom Teacher(五年级班主任老师)
Full responsibility for creating, planning, presenting, testing and grading various topics for the 5th grade in an English International School. Topics taught daily include math, English, Reading and Writing, Spelling, and Handwriting.

Little America English School-Ome, Tokyo Japan Sept 2011-Present
Adult and Chldren English Instructor
Full responsibility for planning and teaching English to various levels of students from early teenager to English-literate adults.

Hainan Normal University-Haikou, Hainan Province Sept 2006-June 2011
Oral English Teacher
Full responsibilities for creating, planning, presenting, testing, and grading various English topics for the College of Foreign Languages, English department. In addition to Foreign Language students, I was also responsible for creating, planning, presenting, testing, and grading various English topics for several Tourism English classes for several years before that topic of study was discontinued by the University.
-Key Achievements
Developed and implemented a casual/formal American English class based upon the needs of
individuals in the Tourism Industry.

Chose textbooks or passages that:

-Presented and developed “real world” speaking
-Developed students’ leadership and success potential and a spirit of co-operation

Developed and taught a multi-major intensive English Course for several weeks during a summer session to prepare for University Qualification Assessment, as conducted by the Education Bureau.

Provided language and teaching support for colleagues.

During the 2009-2010 school year, assisted the university student representative to the CCTV Cup English Speaking Contest. The student (Zhao Wenxue) finished 10th overall in this country-wide competition.

Hainan University-Haikou, Hainan Province, China August2005-July 2006
Oral English Teacher
Full responsibilities for creating, planning, presenting, testing, and grading various English topics for the College of Tourism.
-Key Achievements
Developed and implemented a casual/formal American English class based upon the needs of
individuals in the Tourism Industry.
Participated weekly in leading different English Corners
Chose textbooks or passages that:
-Presented and developed “real world” speaking
-Developed students’ leadership and success potential and a spirit of co-operation
Provided support for colleagues.

Suihua College SuiHua, Heilongjiang Province, China October 2004-July 2005
Oral English Teacher
Full responsibilities for creating, planning, presenting, testing, and grading various English topics for the College of Teaching.
-Key Achievements
Developed and implemented a casual/formal American English class
Participated weekly in English Corners
Chose textbooks or passages that:
-Presented and developed “real world” speaking
-Developed students’ leadership and success potential

Joy Private Children’s Language School-SuiHua, Heilongjiang, China December, 2004-2005
Oral English Teacher
Responsible for planning and teaching 4-15 year old English students using school supplied textbooks and teaching guides (when necessary). Taught lessons in teams with Chinese English teachers.
-Key Achievements
Proficiency in Total Physical Response (TPR) teaching method
Proficiency in Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) method.
Promoted school during grand opening events.



Major: Theatre Arts(戏剧艺术专业本科)
School: California State University, Los Angeles

Qualifications:    -Graduated from California State University, Los Angeles, located in Los Angeles, California, USA. Earned a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Theatre Arts.

-Earned TEFL certification.




