全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 澳大利亚
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 女
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1971年
  • 工作经验:2-5(年)
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:广州
  • 期望工作地点: 广州
  • 期望税后薪资: 6000-8000(Yuan/M)




English Teacher, Princess Nora University, Riyadh, March – June 2013
The English Language Development Programme (ELDP) is a new division of Princess Nora University and delivers comprehensive language education for Saudi Arabian students.  Focusing on Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking, the course material is devised along themes that will not only capture students’ attention on an intellectual and academic level but also equip them for using English with confidence in their future professional and social lives.  I’m proud to have been selected to be a part of the ELDP team and teach a range of course material in a state-of-the-art university environment.  In terms of personal and professional development, I found this experience invaluable as far as deepening my cross-cultural understanding and ability to teach effectively in new settings.

IELTS Preparation Teacher, Phoenix English Academy, October 2011 – February 2013
I recently taught English to adults at Phoenix Academy, using innovative and contemporary techniques and materials, focusing on Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking and examination preparation.  I devised portions of the curriculum we covered by creating lesson plans based on themes relevant to my students’ interests and goals so it was not only a tailor-made course but also one which prepared them for IELTS examinations.

NET Teacher for the Hong Kong SAR Education Bureau, July 2008 - July 2009
This role consisted of teaching a range of secondary-school aged students ESL in Hong Kong.  By developing curriculum to suit the needs of the students I assisted them in attaining their language goals, step by step.  I taught independently and also as a co-teacher with local teachers, which included co-planning and materials-preparation.

IELTS Preparation / Oral English Teacher, EbaoTech, Shanghai, January 2006 - December 2007
In 2006-2007 I worked as a corporate trainer at this prestigious IT company, assisting adult students with their oral English needs to prepare them for IELTS tests and overseas business trips.  EbaoTech is a leading software-writing company whose staff at the company’s Shanghai headquarters require the chance to develop English skills which allow them to effortlessly communicate with their clients worldwide.  Alongside daily classes I also organised networking events for my students, which allowed them to practise, with native speaker guests, the
English skills we had been studying in class.  My students were delighted to be able to have the opportunity to listen to, and understand, speeches from guest-speakers I’d invited to visit our group.  Occasional lectures from notaries such as Professor Jonathan Hutt and Carlos Maldonaldo, whose lectures were followed up with question-and-answer sessions, allowed my students the chance to speak freely and enjoy using their English skills in a realistic manner, not only creating a palpable sense of achievement but visibly increasing students’ motivation in classes after these special events were conducted.

Native English Teacher, Chan Nam Chong Memorial College,
Hong Kong, April 2004 – December 2005
In 2004 and 2005, I worked as a full time classroom teacher of high school students aged from
11-21 years.  The main focus of my teaching was Oral English, including preparing students for the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination and A-Levels.  Under my tuition the pass-rate improved for the first time in fifteen years in the HKCEE exams.  
Apart from this, I successfully ran a Saturday course in language-immersion which I devised myself in response to the students’ educational needs.  

Teaching of Adults/Children EFL, Model Language Studio, Tokyo, October 2002 - March 2004
I started this position in October 2002 and completed my second contract in March 2004.  Here I
taught EFL to Japanese children and adults, using a unique “drama method” in the classrooms.
This method included teaching students to present theatrical plays onstage in English.  Planning and preparing costumes, choreography and props are all part of the role I fulfilled here.
The founder of MLS is continuing to use the “drama method” in her work as co-producer of the movie “The Last Samurai,” starring Tom Cruise.  His co-star Ken Watanabe was one of our strongest students of EFL during this time.

Course Director, Hot Coffee Creative Writing Workshops, Sydney, January – December 1996
This twelve-week workshop was a means of enquiry into the nature of creative writing and a practical guide to students thereof.  From the course development, to advertising and enrolling students, the course was my own creation.  Feedback from participants has shown that most have since gone on to become published writers in some capacity.  The course itself culminated in the production of an anthology of students’ short fiction stories.  Several of the participants were also from non-English speaking backgrounds, so for approximately six or seven students, the course was also something of an ESL-based experience.

The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology:
Lecturer in Writing / Editing January – December 1995
This posting involved devising and implementing a series of lectures and tutorials for students of the LEAP programme as overseen by RMIT.  My duties included lecturing, tutoring and assisting students with the publication of an anthology which has since become part of the History reference-sections of several secondary college and tertiary institution libraries.
Contact: Ms Philippa Byrne, Lecturer, RMIT,
Ph: (613) 9925 2000

Santa Maria College, Melbourne: English / Drama / Ethics Teacher, January – December 1994
This role included full time class teaching in the aforementioned subjects and organising the paperwork involved with running the administration of a Year 11 homeroom.
In terms of skill development, the experience was invaluable for honing the ability to relate to a broad range of students and their parents, along with other teachers, aswell as increasing my aptitude for prioritising tasks, delegating where necessary and seeing projects through to
their fruition.  Approximately 10 % of the students were from non-English speaking backgrounds so for these individuals, classes included a large TESOL element.
Contact: The Principal, Santa Maria College,
Ph: (613) 9489 7644

The Royal Melbourne Botanical Gardens
Pre-school/Primary School Drama and Children’s Activities Teacher, January – December 1993
This position was one that I completed while also studying at University.  The role was part-time during terms and full-time during the University vacations.  Duties included administration, collecting materials for activities and ensuring the safety of participants at all times.
At this time, approximately 8% of students were from non-English speaking backgrounds, so the benefit of the stories, games, rhymes and written activities in classes lay in developing their beginning English skills.
Contact: Mr Ron Dunstan, The Royal Melbourne Botanical Gardens Education Programme,
Ph: (613) 9951 2898



 The University of Melbourne, 1993; Diploma of Secondary Education in English and Humanities
La Trobe University, Melbourne, 1990-92 inclusive; Bachelor of Arts in English, TESOL,
Humanities and Professional Writing
Mandarin House, Shanghai; Mandarin Course
Typing Speed 85 wpm



 外教现在在广州,周二周三在某大学任教, 其他时间可以到其他单位任教。


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