全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 其他
  • 语言:英语, 法语, 俄语
  • 学历: 硕士
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1964年
  • 工作经验:未知
  • 到岗: 一个月内
  • 所在地:南京
  • 期望工作地点: 上海及附近
  • 期望税后薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)





2012 – Present      Birdleads International Children’s English  Nanjing, China    伯利兹国际少儿英语

2009 - 2012                   Jinling Institute of Technology    Nanjing, China       金陵科技学院

Teacher of English language and cross-culture communication

Conversational English and Listening – Preparation for IELTS


2006 - 2009                    Changzhi Medical College       Changzhi, China    长治医学院

Teacher of English language

 Conversational English and Listening - CET

2004 – 2006                  Shanyue English School          Changzhi, China

Teacher of English language

 Conversational English and Listening

2002 - 2004                   Hobby International School                 Mongolia

Teacher in charge of English department

§  Responsible for establishing the program for all foreign and local English teachers

§  Supervise the progress of all students.

§  Teach English language, English literature, world history  and French

1999 – 2002

§  Teacher of English language, English literature, world history and French

1997-1999                     Alcatel Contracting                             Mongolia

Procurement and Logistics Manager

§  Responsible for local and foreign procurement for telecommunications projects Mon1300, Telecom II and Telecom III.

§  Managed the warehouse and inventory control.

§  Managed logistics between Ulaanbaatar and the different sites.



1994-1997                     Alcatel Contracting                         Bangladesh

Procurement and Logistics Manager

§  Responsible for local and foreign procurement for telecommunications project OSP 182,000 lines.

§  Supervised the logistics for the shipment of 300 containers from Europe .

§  Managed logistics from the port city of Chittagong to Dhaka and from Dhaka to the different sites.

1991-1994                     Alcatel Pakistan                     Karachi, Pakistan

Procurement and Logistics Manager

§  Responsible for local and foreign procurement for telecommunications project BLT 150KL.

§  Supervised the logistics for the shipment of 400 containers from Europe .

§  Supervised the logistics for 50 local sub-contractors.

1990-1991                     Alcatel Cable                                     Mauritius

Procurement and Logistics Officer

§  Responsible for local procurement of civil works material.

§  Inventory control and warehouse supervisor.

§  Interface between Logistics Manager and forwarding agents.



 1987–1989 City and Guilds London, England          英国
                     Electrical engineering.

1980–1987 Cambridge University England      英国剑桥大学
                      B.A Hons, in English Literature and modern history
1976 – 1980 Mahatma Gandhi Institute Mauritius
                       Secondary education
1971 – 1976 Flacq government primary school Mauritius
                       Primary education



 Languages             English
                                   French
                                   Russian


