全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 其他
  • 语言:英语, 其他
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1981年
  • 工作经验:>5(年)
  • 到岗: 一个月内
  • 所在地:本国
  • 期望工作地点: 全国均可
  • 期望税后薪资: 4000-6000(Yuan/M)




Big Bazaar Super Center of Mysore, India                                                      01-April-31-May
Marketing Officer
(Project work under the guidance of Dr.D. Seetha Naik and HR manager of Mysore store “Big Bazaar”) – “Customer Expectation & Satisfaction of
Service Quality”
Research and analyses of customer expectation, service quality and customer  satisfaction of Big Bazaar
Define customers’ expectation and satisfaction about the product
To capture the perceptions of consumers towards the  services offered
To analyze the factors that influences the choice of the products
Statistical data collection and survey
To suggest based on the survey to improve the quality of the products and services
To make appropriate recommendations about customers’ expectation and satisfaction of the company
Survey and distribute questionnaire to the clients and write report according to their preferences
Meeting customers and to find their buying behavior
Provide information and new idea about service quality to the HR and Marketing Manager
Develop better way for service quality and getting feedback from clients
To write proposal about improvement of service quality and Customer satisfaction
Write report and provide new information  about service quality to the organization
Submit report to the organization and Mysore University
The First Microfinance Bank of Tajikistan                        Feb 2008 - Aug 2009
Cashier/ Accountant
To make reports for National Bank of Tajikistan about foreign exchange activities
To report to the Head of Currency Department on regular account activities like debit and credit
Monthly report about motion of foreign movement currency to the Head of Customer Service Department
Prepare bank payment vouchers and bank transactions
Dealing with all financial accounts by using Banking programme “e-Merge and ODB”
To change foreign currency to local and vice-versa 
Preparing vouchers, receipts during disbursement
Enter accounting transactions
Keep record on financial activities
Write annual report about foreign exchange activities to National Bank and Head of Currency Department
The First Microfinance Bank of Tajikistan                                                             Feb 2006- 2008           Administration assistant and Customer Service Department officer
Collecting and analyzing information about potential clients, preparing proposals and conducting presentation about products of the bank
Preparation a letter of credits and payment orders for international organization
Conducting negotiation with clients, agreement on conditions and tariffs, maintaining contacts and developing mutual relations with clients
Consulting clients on bank  account opening procedures
Preparation and filling of hard copies of financial documents
Oriented new clients and  visitors
 Visit to  bank branch offices to verify compliance effectiveness, to write report and taking appropriate steps to improve it
Monitoring, evaluation in branch offices and reporting to the head office
Responsible  for implementation of all office needs, supplies, and functions
Handing reality materials
Participation in tender proposal and write report to the Head of the department
Developed documents including listings and advertisements
Organized documents, meetings, registration, office supplies, inventory
Composed documents for corporate office and all store locations, including spreadsheet and  announcements 
Arranging visas, permits and registration
Played a key role in hiring, training, scheduling, implementation
Prepared quarterly, narrative reports  



University of Mysore, India, Karnataka               Aug 2009- July 2011
MBA-“Master of Business Administration-Marketing”
Bahadur Institute of Management Sciences, Mysore, India, Karnataka                                   
University of Mysore, India, Karnataka                August 2010
Certificate of professional computer course “CIST”
Centre for Information Sciences and Technology
International Cultural Test, India, Karnataka        14 Feb-2012
Certificate of participation
Manasagangotri, University of Mysore                 5-days April-2011
Certificate (placement Preparatory Training Program)
Khorog English Program (KEP)                      Sep 2004- Jun-2005
(Project of The institute of Ismaili Studies, London) Khorog, Tajikistan
Certificate of Academical English Language and computer
Khorog State University, Khorog, Tajikistan          Sep1998- June 2003 
Diploma (Higher degree) of International Economic Relation
Attestat / Secondary school #40           Sep 1987-June1998  




