全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 澳大利亚
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1958年
  • 工作经验:>5(年)
  • 到岗: 一个月内
  • 所在地:泰国
  • 期望工作地点: 全国均可
  • 期望税后薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)




 Australian Volunteer Coast Guard.
7 years  Teaching  coastal navigation for small ships 1983 — 1990  6 week course a 2 week break between courses.
Class size 15 to 40
Class Age, From 16 years old to my oldest student who was 72 years old.
Course was comprised of teaching the use of a compass, magnetic deviation, how to take a bearing
Reading charts, plotting a course.
A lot of math in the course ,more to do with calculating a bearing.
Electrical Theory
Teaching apprentice’s electrical theory, in particular Fire alarm systems.
Age  17 to 23
Class room based.
Teaching electrical wiring installation,
Age 17 to 45
Not based in classroom, training took place on the worksite.

TAFE. Training and Further Education QLD.
2000— 2003
Spoken and Written English Certificate 1
 Teaching  Lower elementary English to Japanese and Korean students.
Volunteer work for which I obtained credits, the credits were  used to reduce the time taken to obtain my ICTTC137A open registration. This is a 4 year course which is an internationally recognized qualification. It is considered the equivalent of a BSc in communications.

English Conversation teacher
May 2012 to September 2012
The Kanchanaphisek School is one of the nine “Kings Schools” considered to be the most prestige’s government high schools in Thailand, The Patron of these schools is His Majesty The King of Thailand.
My duties included. Teaching Grade 6 , 17 to 18 year old students, elementary and intermediate English speakers.
Teaching Grade 1 students, 12 to 13 years old, elementary English speakers
Teaching pronunciation to Grade 6 students, this was considered a separate program to the English conversation program, Students were required to sit Midterm examinations and were graded on the results. Government Schools in Thailand do not grade students for conversational English.
During my time there I also instigated a “Onet University Program” This was designed to help the grade 6 students pass the English proponent of the “Onet” entrance examinations that are required for some of the Thai University courses.

November 2012 to January 2012
English conversation teacher
Inyo International Language Training center

My duties included teaching in 3 Chinese middle schools, students aged from 15 to 17 years old.
Students’ abilities in the English language ranged between beginners to intermediate levels.
Also I taught older students Business English at a major oil company, students ages 24 to 48, this was primarily a business English course but also included some technology terminology required by the  company engineers who worked on the drilling rigs in the South China sea.Teaching in China has been a different experience to teaching in Thailand.

Jan 2012 to present.

Charoensin Phokums Memorial School
Charoensin Sakhon Nakon Thailand.

English conversation Teacher.

Teaching elementary English to beginning level students aged from 12 to 18 years grades 1 to 6
Lesson planning and designing lessons to suit the students needs based on there English skills.
Guiding students in English to help them obtain better pronunciation skills, with this knowledge the students became quite adept at impromptu speech and short play competitions which are held throughout Thailand, we had a number of success's with this program.
I also oversaw a start up program to help older students who had difficulty reading English, In Thailand English has not been taught on a continual basis to all students there are many students in the 15 to 18 age group who have never studied English before.



 1962 to 1974 Obtained English “O” levels in
Math ,English, English literature, History, Geography, Woodworking, Metalworking, Technical drawing.
Completed Electrical Apprentiship  in Australia 1974 to 1978
Allowing me to work in any state in Australia as an Electrician
Obtained Australian Volunteer Coast Guard  certificate in Navigation 1983
Allowing me to Teach Navigation for small ships
Griffith University
Bachelor of Arts: Business
Graduated November 1986
Completed Master Cablers Registration 2003 open certification



 Interests and Activities
Astronomy, Astrophotography,
Volunteer Experience
7 years with the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard 1983 to 1990
Duties : Radio operation –small ships, Teaching Navigation to small ship operators in a class room environment

