全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 意大利
  • 语言:英语, 意大利语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1978年
  • 工作经验:1-2(年)
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:意大利
  • 期望工作地点: 全国均可
  • 期望税后薪资: 6000-8000(Yuan/M)




 March 2013 – April 2013: Project coordinator for SANU srl

Coordinator for the relocation in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) of the Italian society SANU srl. with production facility located in Timisoara (Romania). www.sanu.ro
•    Search for a strategic production site and selection of warehouse in Musaffah Abu Dhabi
•    Personal Assistance  to the owner of the holding (between Abu Dhabi and Dubai)
•    Relationship and design conceiving of a new catalogue for the emirate market

October 2011 –2013: Itinerary and Indipendent Artistic Producer for 30x30 Globetrotter pro

Project created to spread and make discover the contemporary art culture around the world.

•    Production of  art-works made during my trips around different cities, regions and countries choosen as a place for getting experiences and inspirations. (New York, Vancouver, Seattle, Malta, Paris, London, Stuttgart, Abu Dhabi, Timisoara, Oxford, Liege, Bruxelles, Tulum, Madrid…)
      Website: www.giuseppesinaguglia.blogspot.com.

January 2011 – June 2011: Ambassador of Farm Cultural Park , Sicily ( Italy )
Fkp is the first contemporary cultural and touristic centre in Sicily consisting of an art gallery, a concept store and other recreations. Website: http://www.farm-culturalpark.com.
•    Marketing promoter.
•    Managing artistic performances around Sicily, London and Barcelona.
•    Art director of the photographic project 30x30.
•    Representative during the fair market `Art Factory 01` in Catania (Italy).

2010 - 2011 : Author of articles  for online magazine www.fattitaliani.it.
Fattitaliani is an italian online magazine of art, architecture, design and travelling.
•    Writer of articles.

April 2008 – March 2010 : Assistant Project Manager, Domina Coral Bay, Sharm El Sheikh ( Egypt )
Domina Coral Bay consisting of a 7 hotels in one resort destination plus appartments and villas based in Egypt . Type of business or sector: Architecture and interior design for hotels, restaurants, apartments, villas, offices, shops. Website: http://www.dominacoralbay.com
Main activities and responsibilities:
•    Assistant Project manager.
•    Site supervisor.
•    Workers supervisior.
•    Coordination with local suppliers for different furnitures and equipments.

December 2006 – April 2008: Junior Architect and Assistant project manager for Naos engineering,  Agrigento ( Italy )
Naos engineering is a consulting and engineering office based in Italy and i was managing:
•    Project building,  renovation, preservation and restoration commissioned by both private and public institutions.
•    Interior design both for privates and for contract use (offices, shops, public places, hotels).
•    Consulting both for house concepts and contract companies.

2005 –2006: Author of articles  for "Dentrocasa” magazine, Brescia ( Italy )
Magazine  of architecture and interior design:
•    Writer of articles.

2005: Art Sales for art Art Gallery “XX.9.12 gallery”, Verona ( Italy )
•    Seller during the fair of contemporary Vivi la casa of Verona.



 2003 -2004: Graduation in Architecture at the University of Palermo, Italy.
Graduation in Architecture.
Main Subject: Architecture, interior design, city planning, design.

January 2005  - April 2005: Professional Course in Bio-architecture Eco-sustainable provided by Consorzio Energy, Milan ( Italy ). During the course was done a Stage at : Hanasck - Bioarchitect Mauro Bertamè –Milan




