全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1990年
  • 工作经验:1-2(年)
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:英国
  • 期望工作地点: 杭州
  • 期望税后薪资: 6000-8000(Yuan/M)




 June 2012 – Aug 2012: English Teacher
DOS International School of English, Zhejiang Province, China
    Teaching English as a second language to students aged 4-40 years of age.
    Preparing & delivering lessons, as well as conducting free-talk sessions.

May 2009 -Ongoing: Bradnet
Working alongside several patients and attending day to day needs by providing support, mentoring and care.

Aug 2011 – Sept 2011: Lynfield Mount – Hospital Placement
    Spending a month within a mental hospital, acting as a care giver.
    Gaining experience interacting with patients, shadowing a professional clinician conducting consultations to ascertain patient history and concordance before prescribing medication appropriately.

July 2008 – Ongoing:  Coordinator
Sweet Centre, Lumb lane.
I assisted the team of chefs and other staff within a busy restaurant.
    Working directly with customers to ascertain needs and provide high professional service.
    Receiving, placing and serving orders for dispatch after verification from the chef.
    Preparing basic dishes and drinks to ensure timely serving of food
    Understanding and solving customer complaints
2009 – Present: Private Tutor and Voluntary Teaching Assistant
Copthorn Primary School, Bradford, West Yorkshire
I aided children in educational attainment, coordinating classes and activities, providing feedback and marking mark as well as supporting pupils in a pastoral capacity.

Extracurricular Activities / Hobbies

    Student Representative (Leadership Role)
    NHSW Trust Member
    NICE Student Champion (ongoing)
    Student International Ambassador and BPSA International Representative (Proactive)
    Raised £20,000 pounds for Ummah welfare trust by undertaking National 3 peaks Challenge.
    Travelling, Extreme Sports & Snooker

Additional Skills

    Drug peer mediator- Delivering lessons to students on misuse of drugs, lesson planning and delivery.
    Advanced computer skills in Excel and Access databases.
    British Red Cross First Aid- Life Saving Skills, Cpr, Accident Recovery.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language Skills (TEFL)

    Enrolled in 140 hour course (Ongoing) - 20 hour workshop training completed.
    Specialist Modules: teaching large classes, teaching business English, teaching English to young learners, teaching English One-to-One.

Additional Credits and Achievements

    English speaking board- Distinction
    Joyce Kearnley award for outstanding contribution to the Bradford school of Life sciences
    1st Place with my academic poster for my research on Consanguineal inherited diseases
    Chinese level 1 (84%)
    China 2012 Study programme: Gained a place (out of 2000 applicants) to attend Zheijiang University, China's top-rated university.



 September 2010 - May 2013: University of Bradford
    BSc in Clinical sciences- 2:1

Dixons City Academy – Bradford, West Yorkshire
    A levels: English (A) Biology (C) Chemistry (C)



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