Collaboration with commercial companies in the legal, economic, scientific, and technical translations from English to Italian, Italian- English, Chinese- Italian, Italian- Chinese.
Collaboration with “The order of Architects of Rome” in the translation of documents, interviews and technical operating manuals.
12/02/2011- 06/03-2012 I worked in a company (Vallone SRL) which dealt with environment. I translated technical manuals and I collaborated as an interpreter in the same field.
01/06/2012-27/08/2012 I worked as an English teacher at the elementary school "Ziluolan" in Shanghai.
10/09/2012- 10/10/2013 I worked in Milan in a big society. It is Class Editori. This company dealt with media information. I translated from Chinese to Italian and from English to Italian a lot of articles. In detail Class Editori is a TV, my program was called “Desk China”. In fact all customers can find information about China.
20/11/2013- 26/02/2014 I am working for an Italian Company that it is called GPT
international (General Trading Product). This company situated in Beijing is an
important import-export food society. Food like tomatoes, coffee, oil and other
Italian products are imported all around China. In particular I specialized
in promotion of these Italian products through Events and Caterings (Business lunch,
coffee Breaks, grand opening). From start to finish I organized any kind of events.
I always collaborated with the Embassy of Italy and Chinese Organizations.
I obtained a diploma at “high school language” in Viterbo. I also obtained the certification of PET (preliminary English test) and Trinity.
Bachelor’s degree from the faculty of “Oriental languages and civilizations”. University “La Sapienza” of Rome.
Graduated from the graduate program in “Interpretation and translation Chinese and English” at the Free University of “LUSPIO” of Rome.