全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1988年
  • 工作经验:0-1(年)
  • 到岗: 八月
  • 所在地:美国(7461cg)
  • 期望工作地点: 美国
  • 期望税后薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)




 BRIDGEMONT HIGH SCHOOL San Francisco, CA (Advocacy Coordinator).  Aug. 2011- Present

·         Lead Advocacy Program. Assign each teacher to a group of students where they monitor their academic and behavioral progress. Follow up on this progress with both teachers and students.

·         Lead weekly workshops which focus on personal and spiritual development.

·         Network with other non-profits in San Francisco and build relationships between them and our student body.

·         Build relationships with students and their parents while mentoring many of the teenage boys.

·         Served as school’s primary speaker for Convocation, Graduation, banquets, and different fundraising events.

·         Coordinator for Personal Development section for school’s WASC reports which we eventually received full accreditation for.



LEVEL PLAYING FIELD INSTITUTE Oakland, CA (Resident Assistant at SMASH Summer Program at UC Berkeley).  June 2013-August 2013 (Temporary Summer Position)

·         Live in Residential Student Housing with high school students on UC Berkeley campus and manage life in the dormitory halls.

·         Provide an effective residential program designed to replicate the college experience in order to ease high school student’s eventual college transition.

·         Build community and scholar involvement through a youth development framework. This is done through providing a safe environment, building relationships, youth participation, community-involvement, and skill-building.

·         Provide academic and social mentoring for students from underprivileged backgrounds.

·         Develop lesson plans and facilitate workshops throughout entire summer program.


GOLDEN STATE KETTLE CORN, San Francisco, CA (Owner and founder). April 2009- Present                                                         

·         Manager of Development

·         Supply kettle corn to the San Francisco Zoo and various farmer’s and flea markets around the Bay Area.

·         Pursue contracts with different venues and companies.

·         Maintain good relationships with companies with whom we have existing contracts.

·         Manage bank account and inventory.



GOOD NEWS JAIL AND PRISON MINISTRY Chicago, Il (Resident Support Team at Cook County Juvenile Detention Center ). January 2010- August 2011

·         Facilitate conversations throughout detention center with detained youth

·         Engage in one on one conversations with residents about their behavior and outline plans for them to change lifestyle upon release

·         Provide emotional and spiritual support to detained youth.

·         Provide information to youth about available spiritual resources in their area

·         Networking with other non-profits in the inner-cities of Chicago.

·         Train new and incoming staff.


2 EAST OAK APARTMENTS Chicago, IL (Doorman). September 2010- June 2011

·         Assist the needs of building residents and guests.

·         Greet all guests and visitors and make them feel as comfortable as possible.

·         Log in all packages and deliveries.


MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE Chicago, Il (Maintenance Crew). August 2009- August 2011

·         Perform maintenance and cleaning tasks around campus such as cleaning carpets, installing and repairing doors, and setting up or cleaning out dorm rooms.




 Bridgemont High School, San Francisco, Ca. Class of 2004. High School Diploma.

(Honor Roll. Senior Class President. Yearbook Team. High School Newspaper team. Baseball Team Captain. Soccer Team Captain)


Moody Bible Institute. Chicago, IL. Class of 2011. Bachelor’s Degree. Major: Historical Theology.




