全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 加拿大
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 女
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1966年
  • 工作经验:1-2(年)
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:加拿大(6561cg)
  • 期望工作地点: 全中国
  • 期望税后薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)








Communications Training Advisor                                              2013 - Present

Cuso International and The Jamaica Diaspora Institute

u  Design, develop, and implement a three-year Strategic Communications, Marketing and Public Relations plan for the Diaspora Youth Connect (DYC) project. This project links youth from extremely vulnerable (inner-city) communities with members of the diaspora, national volunteers, and local mentors.

u  Facilitate and create awareness campaigns for the Diaspora Youth Connect (DYC) Program, which include events such as a community-asset mapping program, the Diaspora Youth Connect Summit, International Diaspora Conference, and the Caribbean Regional Volunteerism Symposium 2013.

u  Strengthen the management of JDI’s communications and public engagement/relations to include documentation of the work of JDI, communication with partners, stakeholders, funders, and develop a public awareness campaign for the agency.

u  Write feature stories on milestones, activities, and events.

u  Participate on grant proposal writing team, as required.

u  Build the capacity of JDI through skills transfer and communications training of staff members.

u  Support resource mobilisation initiatives for the implementation of the programme.

u  Interact directly with entrepreneurial youth from the most extremely vulnerable inner-city communities of Kingston, Jamaica in various roles including personal/business, and capacity-building sessions.



Sole Proprietor & Lead Facilitator                                        2008 – Present

True Self                                                       

u  Create and deliver communication, leadership, and transformational workshops and seminars.


ESL Program Designer, Teacher & Facilitator                           2006 – 2008

Northern Steel Industries (NSI), Tisdale, Saskatchewan         


NSI is a multi-facility steel fabricator and manufacturer of above and below ground liquid storage tanks that distributes product throughout Canada and the USA.


u  Designed a customized workplace ESL curriculum for 30 immigrants; developed detailed lesson plans regarding company-specific processes and products, welding and manufacturing processes, blueprints, safety/first aid, tools and internal communications.

u  Distributed highly specialized curriculum to the company’s three locations throughout the prairie region. Saskatchewan Immigration subsequently adopted curriculum for implementation by other employers throughout region.

u  Applied adult education theory and techniques to develop curriculum; designed learning tools & strategies to accommodate learning styles; ensured alignment with Canadian Language Benchmarks.

u  Conducted formal and informal research to compare similar curricula and develop program.

u  Provided “on the floor” coaching to enhance direct and relevant transfer of learning -- immediately incorporated queries from the floor for resolution in the classroom on a daily basis. Demonstrated flexibility by continuously tailoring program to suit students’ learning needs.

u  Despite several students beginning workplace ESL program at “ground zero,” assisted four students to achieve second year welding apprenticeship level and ultimately to Journeyman certification.

u  Overcame cultural, political and language barriers to earn students’ trust and confidence.

u  Designed a “rewards program” as an incentive to encourage attendance and incorporate the adoption of Canadian workplace culture and values.

u  Created “ESL Café” to promote casual conversation practice in the evenings at local café.


Training & Process Facilitator, Canadian Eastern Region               2003 – 2006

IKO Industries, Toronto, Ontario                                         

IKO is a global leader in the manufacture and supply of shingles and waterproofing products with 20+ locations throughout North America and Europe.



u  As a facilitative/consultative partner, collaborated with management from six plant sites in the Eastern region (from Brampton to Hawkesbury, Ontario) and their leadership teams in the area of operational and leadership performance improvement.

u  Facilitated formal leadership development classes including 7 Habits for Highly Effective People 3.0 and Development Dimension International (DDI) classes (approximately 13 modules). Received positive feedback from “the floor” due to supervisors’ behavioural changes.

u  Provided consulting services, training, coaching and leadership development solutions to drive business and individual performance.

u  Actively participated on the Leadership Development Steering Committee for all locations in North America. Collaborated and developed material with facilitators’ solutions for a unified plan for all sites (approximately 20 plant sites).


u  Mediated monthly sessions for two formerly combative groups from different divisions of the production process to achieve synergistic group to represent themselves to upper management.

u  Researched, designed and developed modules, and ultimately taught IKO-customized classes.

u  Created and maintained training matrices, records and all training-related administration requirements.

u  Kept current on best practices and state of the art learning design in leadership development arena.





Sole Proprietor/Executive Recruiter, MatchstiX Consulting        2000 – 2003

Toronto, Ontario



Executive Recruiter, Canadian Findings Ltd.                                1996 – 2000

Toronto, Ontario








Columnist & Freelance Writer

“Vivacious” Magazine & CAPS (Scugog Communications)                   2011 – 2012



u  Wrote monthly column plus local news, and human interest stories as well as cover local events for a community newspaper. Responsible to cover three cities: Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls, and Buckhorn, Ontario

u  Invited to be one of the sole editorial contributors for a newly launched Canadian health and wellness publication, “Vivacious “magazine.




Maclean Hunter Canadian Publishing Ltd. (now Rogers Communications), Toronto, Ontario


Promotions Director, Broadcast Division                                   1994

Circulation Manager, Ingénue Magazine                              1993 - 1994

Direct Marketing Supervisor                           1991 - 1993

Production Supervisor                                     1989 – 1991


Art Production Coordinator,                             1988 – 1989

Ogilvy & Mather Direct Advertising Agency Toronto, Ontario




 Fleming College, Peterborough, Ontario (Canada)                       2012 - 2013

Social Services Worker (S.S.W.), Accelerated Program

Academic Recognition - Achieved Dean’s List in All Four Semesters (GPA: 3.907 - 4.0)



Grant MacEwan College, Edmonton, Alberta (Canada)               1988

Advertising and Public Relations Diploma




