全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1991年
  • 工作经验:1-2(年)
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:美国
  • 期望工作地点: 威海,烟台,青岛
  • 期望税后薪资: 中介代发




 Work Experience

09/09 to Present                          Carpe Diem Experience                                Fullerton, California

      Event Coordinator/Sales Specialist

      Planning and executing private and corporate events

      Train staff to provide outstanding customer experiences

      Increase event traffic by 200% using social media and print advertising in the last 12 months

      Identify strategic opportunities and recommend solutions for sustaining and growing our events

      Create an infrastructure to maintain and manage two monthly events

      Recruit and source vendors for monthly events


06/11 to 09/12                            Alta Resources - Apria Healthcare                Brea, California

      Customer Service Representative 

      Demonstrated the ability to represent our client in a positive manner and provided outstanding customer experiences

      Ensured accuracy and consumer satisfaction by having attention to detail

      Resolved consumer product related issues with a sense of urgency

      Identified process improvement opportunities and recommended solutions

      Demonstrated excellent communication and computer skill

      Served as company ambassador delivering quality product information and administrative assistance 



 Education                                                                                                        La Verne, California

      University of La Verne

      Bachelor of Business Administration (Concentration on Management)  2009- 2013

Coursework Includes: Achieving Professional Success, Culture and Gender Issues in Management, Business Statistics, Microeconomics, Organizational Behavior, and Legal Environment of Business 


Extra Curricular Involvement

      Phi Delta Theta Fraternity: Public Relations Chair, Recruitment Chair, Formal Chair, Fundraising Chair, Major Events Coordinator, Pledge Educator

      The Mercantile Flea Market: Co-Founder of a monthly event that supports an eclectic array of merchandise, art, and one of a kind designs, supporting local artists and vendors in Fullerton, CA. 

      ULV Campus Activities Board 2012-2013: Vice President: Managing and mentoring a group of campus leaders to throw over 100 events and activities for undergraduate students.

      ULV Campus Activities Board 2011-2012: Major Events: Planning and marketing large budget events, which require extensive time and responsibility.

      Spotlight Executive Board 2012: Worked with Admissions to plan and execute a large recruitment/marketing event to increase future enrollment for ULV. 



 Summary of Qualifications

     ●      Strong leadership characteristics with the ability to motivate and mentor individuals and groups

      Adept at making complex situations more simple, verbally and in writing

      Adept at resolving conflict and tasks in the work force

      Giving attention to detail and improved performance

      Use active listening to get to the root of any question or concern

      Adept in web technology and all of Microsoft Office; to incorporate new ways to present information.

      Team worker and reliable; respectful of co-workers, superiors, and clients

