全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 硕士
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1970年
  • 工作经验:>5(年)
  • 到岗: 2014年8月
  • 所在地:广东
  • 期望工作地点: A level 数学
  • 期望税后薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)




 AP Math Teacher, 08/13 to present

  High School, Guangzhou, China

Have full responsible for developing and teaching AP (Advanced Placement) courses in Calculus and Statistics. Also teach Precalculus to senior 1 students (10th grade in USA) in which the primary goal is to teach students how to do math in English for the first time. 


AP Math Teacher and Math Coordinator, 8/11 to 7/13

High School, Guangzhou, China

Had full responsible for developing and teaching AP (Advanced Placement) courses in Calculus and Statistics which was new for the school when I started. In my first year, I also taught grade 11 and 12 math of the Manitoba Curriculum to honors grade 11 students who are pursuing a Canadian diploma.  In my second year, I also taught grade 8 and 9 math of the Manitoba Curriculum to honors grade 8 students.  As math coordinator, my primary role was to meet regularly with other math teachers to implement ways to ensure that interested students would be prepared for AP courses in the future.


AP Math Teacher, 11/09 to 07/11

 Foreign Languages School, Chengdu, China

Had full responsible for developing and teaching AP (Advanced Placement) courses in Calculus and Statistics which was new for the school when I started.  Also taught Precalculus to senior 1 students (10th grade in USA) in which the primary goal is to teach students how to do math in English for the first time. 


Lecturer, Adjunct, 8/01 to 12/01, 8/08 to 5/09

                Department of Mathematics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Had full responsibility for lecture, grading, and office hour support for Survey of Calculus (Business Calculus), Basic College Algebra, and Precalculus (including courses with and without Trigonometry).


Assistant Professor, 8/00 to 8/08                                                                                                                     

                Department of Mathematics, Santa Fe College, Gainesville, FL

Had full responsibility for lecture, grading, and office hour support for several course sections per semester.  Courses taught: Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, Statistics, Topics in Math, and Survey of Calculus (Business Calculus).  Started working part-time, and then began full-time position in 1/04.  Chaired textbook review committee to choose new statistics textbook and update course outline for two semesters after serving as a committee member for two years. 


Graduate Teaching Assistant, 8/00 to 8/01

                Warrington College of Business, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Taught discussion sections, helped edit, grade, and administer exams, and held office hours for graduate and undergraduate business courses.   Assisted senior faculty with research, primarily involving statistical analysis and editing mathematical expressions.


Graduate Teaching Assistant, 1/99 to 5/00

Department of Mathematics, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL

Positions varied by semester.  Courses taught: Precalculus (algebra and trigonometry) and Business Calculus.  Held office hours for individualized help. Other duties included grading and conducting help sessions for Calculus 1, and Contemporary Math. 


Tutor, 1/97 to 5/09

Multiple locations.

Began tutoring other students while an undergraduate.  Worked with individuals   individually and in groups in a variety of courses -- mostly math and statistics. Enabled students from 6th graders to graduates to improve scores by an average of two letter grades.  Prepared students for standardized tests such as the GMAT, GRE, TOEFL, SAT, and ACT.


Real Estate Broker/Manager, 1/97 to 7/00

Midwest Properties, self-employment, Carbondale, IL

Used equity in personal residence to fund the purchase and remodeling of single-family homes and duplexes.  Sold and rented homes for a profit.  Acquired Illinois real estate broker's license in 7/98.  Started this business while still an undergraduate, and sold out at a significant profit upon earning my MS degree and leaving Illinois.


Petroleum Supply Specialist, 11/89 to 11/93

U.S. Army, Fort Lewis, WA

Ordered, maintained, and distributed petroleum products based on company mission requirements.  Implemented hazardous waste disposal and safety program.  Supervised nine employees on a daily basis.

Honorably discharged at the rank of Specialist (E-4).






                Advanced Graduate Studies, August 2000 to August 2001.

                                University of Florida

                                Statistics / Business

                                Alumni Fellowship Winner

                                GMAT Score: 720 (99th percentile)


                M.S. Mathematics, August 2000

                                Southern Illinois University at Carbondale

                                GPA: 3.5/4.0

                                Topics of Interest:  Use of Technology in Mathematics & Statistics Instruction, Applied Statistics.




 Assisted other faculty with the use of coursecompass / MyMathLab / MathXL (Pearson product) as it pertains to Introduction to Statistics.  Have explored other online packages from other publishers and for other courses, and plan to continue researching available products and become more proficient to help other faculty.


Mentor in MODS (Math Opens the Door Scholarship) program for two semesters.


Faculty Advisor, International Student Cultural Association (ISCA) for two semesters. 


Judge, Illinois Junior Achievement Science Fair for three years (while in graduate school).


Gave presentations to other graduate teaching assistants on integrating technology into the classroom during teaching development seminars.


In addition to proficiency in a full range of business software (especially the data analysis ToolPak and Solver Add-Ins on MS Excel), I am highly skilled in Derive and the use of graphing calculators (TI-83/84), and moderately skilled in Minitab and the TI-89 calculator.


