全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 南非
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 硕士
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1983年
  • 工作经验:>5(年)
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:汕头
  • 期望工作地点: 任何城市
  • 期望税后薪资: 3000-4000(Yuan/M)




English Teacher –Jixian Middle School, Shantou, Guangdong, China



Teaching for the English Development Program course. Student ages between 14 and 16.

Teaching for the Pre-International Program course. Students ages between 16 and 17.

Structuring and creating lessons from source material

Structuring and creating lessons

Creating and evaluating tests, worksheets and all given tasks.

Administration work

Organizing field trips

Helping students with extracurricular English

Full computer literacy and duties

Liaising with other staff to achieve mutual goals


As both programs are new to the school, I helped to implement them in a way to create a sustained interest for my employer.


English Teacher – Srinagarindra the Princess Mother School, Phayao (SW.PY)



Teaching 19 hours of class per week plus extra duties

Organizing, structuring and performing all duties assigned to me by the school

Organizing and teaching all English Program Grammar lessons

Teaching M1 to M3 English program

Teaching M3 in the Thai program

Representing the school at regular speech competitions as judge

Supporting and facilitating all events the school requires of me

Organizing field trips

Helping students with extracurricular activities

Offering supplementary English support during work hours and after hours

Full computer literacy and duties

Liaising with other staff to achieve mutual goals


Created courses and work without any prior syllabus or academic assistance

Helped further the critical English skills of all students and improved the speech efficiency of all students in the English Program.

Successfully led big excursions to Wat Analayo and Kwan Phayao in order to establish proficiency in usable English, outside of the school environment


Course Coordinator - Introduction to the Humanities – Philosophy, University of


January 2011 – May 2011


Research and Design of one term Philosophy course

Organizing venues, tests and assignments

Marking and evaluating written exercises, class work, group work and presentations

Designing presentation and essay topics, criteria and monitoring progress


Preparing presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint

Compiling class notes and terminology sheets

Updating electronic student resource services


Managed 70 plus first year students to achieve an above 80% pass rate

Created the necessary critical thinking skills environment in which university students may thrive

Through personalized care and one-on-one consultations, helped borderline students achieve academic success


International Student Organization of Stellenbosch Coordinator, International Office, Stellenbosch University

January 2008 – April 2011


Managing committee members

Creating excursions for international students – interacting with tourism

interlocutors, making bookings, organizing transport

Organizing medium to large scale multicultural local events – intermittently on behalf of a charity organization

Rapidly acquiring necessary administrative skills to cope in registration, integration and orientation of international students

Reception work

Acting as tour guide on excursions, hikes, social events and travels

Taking complete responsibility for between 10 to 120 students at a time

Working with local community service programs to integrate international students into SA

Making Bookings

Driving vast distances (1000+ km)

Liaising with students, operators and people in the service industry



Taking over from a previous student and turning the organization into the most

successful it has ever been, with record attendance on excursions and local media

taking an active interest

Successfully managing a new team of International students every university

semester and creating an internship program for them that teaches valuable practical skills

Maintaining and building one of the biggest and most involved student organization on campus


Departmental Assistant – Philosophy – University of Stellenbosch

January 2010 - December 2010


Was in control of the students at the University of Stellenbosch for the Philosophy Department

Tutored special situation students

Performing administration tasks

Structuring lessons and tutoring 1st and 3rd year University Philosophy modules

As head tutor, organizing lessons for other tutors to perform

Critical essay reading and evaluation

Assisting wayward students


Damage control


Organizing other tutors successfully

Created an environment of pedagogy

With personalized care, help struggling students pass their courses



EDP Supervisor – Philosophy – University of Stellenbosch –

January 2009 – December 2009


Was in control of the Extended Degree Program students at the University of Stellenbosch for the Philosophy Department

Tutored special situation students

Organizing lessons and classes for lectures

Writing reports on progress

Evaluation and guidance of progress

Examination assistance

Extended, after hours, tutoring sessions


Developed optimal program and learning techniques for students at university level which have been allowed on provisional terms

Bridged the gap between the Philosophy Department and the isolated students

Maintained and upheld a high standard of learning


Staff Manager – Exclusive Books - Stellenbosch

September 2003 to 2007


Managerial position over minimum 9 casual employees

Responsibilities concerning shop management, cash management, employee task delegation and specified weekend manager.

Computer use essential to every working day, including detailed internet usage for obtaining of rare or obscure titles.

Acting as go-between between casual staff and higher management.

Telephone communications on daily basis

Customer service centered employment, which requires extensive communication skills

Co-interviewing of potential members of casual staff

Knowledge of complicated administrative procedures vital.

As senior staff member, knowledge of all shop’s workings, functions and outcome essentials

Extensive training of new casual members

Weekly banking and dealing with company cash-management services

Word skills essential, as book titles could be difficult


Creating a pleasurable and strong team-loyal environment in which all staff

members thrived

Creating a great rapport with locals which boosted sales and general shop image

Maintaining the highest standard of employee performance 




2011 Island TEFL certificate, Island TEFL, Koh Samui

2009 Honors Post-Graduate Degree in Philosophy, University of Stellenbosch

2007 BA Degree in Languages and Cultures, Stellenbosch University

2001 Diploma in Journalism, Allenby Campus






