Jinan Foreign Language School, Jinan Shandong Spring 2015
Foreign English Teacher
Taught Senior High Grade two oral English, creative writing, and academic writing.
I was responsible for creating lesson plans and helping students improve their spoken and written English.
I also taught an elective spoken English course as well an English corner and a special Western Culture class.
Yangjiang Guangya School, Yangjiang Guangdong Fall 2015
Foreign Teacher
Taught Junior High grade two and Senior High grade one. I was responsible for creating lesson
plan’s and teaching Oral English to students in Middle School and High School. Crooked Oak Middle School, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Student Teacher and Observation Spring 2013
Observed a seventh and eighth grade English class and practiced teaching curriculum to students.
University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK
Bachelor of Arts in History - General 2015
Areas of Concentration: US History, European History, Secondary Education.
Senior Thesis: William H. Tunner impact on Air Force Doctrine during the Berlin Airlift.
美国,男,黑,艺术本科,现回美国,一周后来华到岗,10 年的商务签证,上个工作在济南,可教中学历史,地理,或大学,意愿南方的城市,薪资要求10K