全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省 188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 博士
  • 性别: 女
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:未知年
  • 工作经验:未知
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:南京
  • 期望工作地点: 南京或附近城市
  • 期望税后薪资: >15000(Yuan/M)




May 2015 to                        Innovaciones Psicoeducativas Company (Remote)

Jan. 2017                            Edition and Publication of Text and  Workbook for Highschool Learners

                                            Linguistics and Literature: La Llamarada (Enrique Laguerre)

                                           Translaion Play Facto Workbooks 9 to 12 English to Spanish       



Aug-Dic.                             Assistant Professor

 2016                                   Hispanics Studies Department

                                            University of Puerto Rico (Rio Piedras campus)

                                            Linguistics and Literature Courses                                


Oct.2014 to                         Linguee Company

Feb. 2015                           Germany

                                           Remote Project: Frequency of Synonyms


August-Dec               Assessor for the Bilingual Schools Project BEC-21

  2012                     Department of Education/Learning Alliances Company

                                 Bilingual Public Schools in Puerto Rico  



January-Dec                      Research Assistant (remote)

  2012                                 International Corpus of English ICE Project  

                                           University of Bamberg, Germany


August-March Academic Coordinator Project CRECE 21/Lecturer

2011-2012 University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus

Courses: Hispanic Linguistics and Spanish Grammar

Cayey Campus Courses: Writing in Spanish and Literary Genres


Sept.2009 to                Instructor

Feb. 2011 Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (42nd rank world top universities)

Courses: Basic, intermediate and advanced level of Spanish

Content courses taught in English:Spanish and its Civilizations,The University as an Idea

Administrative tasks: Transcript validation, establishes liaisons with the Hispanic community of HK, organize extracurricular activities, coordinate levels 1st and 3rd of the Spanish Program.


Summer 2007 Lecturer

Linguistics Graduate Program

University of Puerto Rico

Graduate Courses: General Linguistics (LING 6010) and Text Production (LING 6015)



Aug.2006 English Lecturer

to Dec. 2007 English Department, College of Humanities

Rio Piedras Campus (Main campus)

University of Puerto Rico

Courses: INGL 3031/3032, 3051/3052

Aug. to Dec. 2007 Spanish Lecturer

Hispanic Studies Department

Cayey Campus, University of Puerto Rico

Courses: Language and Grammar (ESPA 0020/21)

 Basic Spanish (ESPA 3101)

Aug. to Dec. 2005/06 Research Assistant

Dr. Maria Vaquero/ Dr. Amparo Morales

Head of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language in Puerto Rico

Projects with the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (Real

Academia Española, RAE): DRAE Diccionario de la Real

Academia Española (Amendments to the Dictionary of Spanish)

Diccionario de Americanismos, RAE (Dictionary of Latin American Spanish), Nueva Gramatica de la Lengua Espanola, RAE (New Grammar of the Spanish Language)Vol. I Morphology and Syntax, Vol. II Syntax and Nueva Ortografia de la Lengua Espanola, RAE (New Orthography of the Spanish Language).

Diccionario Escolar de Puerto Rico (Learners Dictionary of Puerto Rico, Department of Education, unpublished)


2004 Research Assistant

Dr. Sunny Cabrera

Dean of Academic Affairs, College of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico

Project: Spanish in the Media (TV, Radio and Press)

· Project with other universities of Latin America and Europe for the investigation of the Spanish language in Hispanic countries. A data base was created for the graduate students of the Linguistics Graduate Program.

2001 to 2003 Research Assistant

Dr. Maria Vaquero

Head of the Linguistics Graduate Program


2008-2016                                        Ph. D Applied Linguistics and Discourse Analysis

Cum Laude Philology Faculty, University of Salamanca, Spain

(Prize of Academic Excellence awarded since the qualification                                                               of Excellent in all the doctoral courses was achieved.)                                                                                                                                                Thesis Director: Dr. Salvador Gutiérrez Ordóñez   


2006 M.A. Lexicography

(Fellowship School of Lexicography

International Royal Academy of the Spanish Language

Ministry, Spain)                       (Real Academia Española, RAE) Madrid, Spain

                                                          Thesis Director: Dr. Humberto López Morales


2001-2005 M.A. Linguistics

(Fellowship Linguistics Graduate Program

University of University of Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico)                                     Thesis Director: Dr. Alma Simounet


1995-2000 B.A. Linguistics and Speech Communication

English Department

College of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico


美国  旅游签 需要学校协助办理工签  博士 学历无FZ已认证, 求职南京大学职位 上海或附近城市  最好是大学生   曾在香港大学任教 1219号后可到岗
