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发布:4/24/2015 6:04:51 PM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:1673

Differences For Learning English Betwwen Chinese and Foreigners Student


Differnt nations of language are different culture.we must attach importance to culture,can eliminate the differnt between language,so as achieve the goal of cultural communication,it includes ethnic customs,political and cultural differences,religious beliefs,social life and geographic regional differences.Dissimilarity of society the cultural background come to a decision language of expression way.The existence of the cultural difference easy result in the creation is in English the learning process misunderstanding or occurrence mistake.so it will be affected by the different culture in many aspects.

English apart from the particularity of expression, the expression of ideas sometimes unique. English often the facts and speculation, pray, aspirations, and other non-facts on the other. Virtual tone often used to express a wish, assumptions, doubt, speculation, suggestions, the meaning of that is not an objective reality.  Cultural differences in language and communication response behavior, and whether understanding and understand these cultural differences, and cultural constraints and the rules of communication is a direct impact on the success or failure of communication. Therefore, foreign language teaching is not only require students to correct grammar, it is also essential that they understand the language of the national culture, so that students not only master the language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing, such as translation, master communicative ability to apply different social and cultural environment and avoid the formation of cultural errors, which successfully conducted Communication. It has the advantage of: cultural knowledge deepened understanding of the language students, language empowers the cultural connotation and more easy to understand and grasp.

Westerners value of the individual, emphasis on self-awareness, people doing things others not authorized speech act, and not consistent with the pursuit. China's strong sense of groups, independent of the weaker.Westerners think that when others did not take the initiative to seek help when help is a charity, for his ability to neglect, and even an insult to his personality. Once, a foreign woman was to travel to China, carrying large bags of luggage, looks very difficult for a young man ran past China offered help, so this has the following dialogue: B:Good morning, Can I help you? B: Good morning, Can I help you? W:What? W: What? B:Can I carry the case for you,Madam? B: Can I carry the case for you, Madam? W:I think I can do it myself,thank you W: I think I can do it myself, thank you. Not to appreciate the woman who has passed away, she considered that it is her neglect. We in the eyes of Chinese people, the interaction between the people that care for them,. Is a virtue.China lads Aiaide stand there, and fail to see. If you have some understanding of Chinese and Western cultures, may not happen, the embarrassing situation. 

  Traditional culture always affected in many aspects .it will also shows in learn a language ,in china ,students care about the image than questions ,that means they will not ask the question in learning english if all others do not ask the teacher .Even though he still do not understand .people in china obey a rule that will not be the first one to eat crabs in a group .differnt with the western people advocate individualism.this sutuation makes chinese people good at listening ,rather than asking .they prepare to listen carefully to understand others meaning ,rather than ask them when they did not got the true meaning.it will also appear in foreign teachers'class in chinese school.

  Teaching and learning methods are affected by culture. 1970s, Jules, Henry (1976) lists 55 kinds of teaching methods, some of which until now has received considerable development. On the one hand, observation, imitation, repetition, recitation and other related methods represent a good way of teaching and learning in China. On the other hand, practice, problem solving, comparison, discussions lot closer to the Western concept of proactive teaching. However, the former focusing on before the entire content (high-context culture) to understand, first of cognitive and thinking. The latter focuses on public (mostly verbal) information (low-context culture) focus, expecting quick reply. The former closer communicative acts in defense, the latter close to the attack. DeKeyser (DeKeyser, 2003) for the dominant and recessive, inductive and deductive teaching and learning to do the table are defined below.

  It is very popular in china people learn phonetic symbol before learning the pronuncation of english words,people using phonetic symbol to pronunce the words rather than pronunce them directly like western people .western people always speak the words in daily life and remember the pronuncation of words by repeat. But for chinese, they have to remember the pronuncation of words by heart.it will aslo will be affected by non native speakers,so it will affects the correct rate and fluency of english words.

   Chinese people always make mistakes when express their meanings and always make foreigners feel confused .foreigners always do not understanding chinese meaning no matter how many times they repeat the sentence.the reason is that the differences of the way to express.i have a very good  example to show :chinese people always express the meaning of “我认为这不是对的”as “I think it is not right”.But the right way to express the meaning of the sentence is “I do not think it is right”so the different way to express will affect the meaning of the sentence.so it is very important to learn about the way of expression when learn english in our daily life.

Because the environment in which all ethnic groups different, resulting in a very different culture.Chinese and Western cultures are two fundamentally different types of culture. Han culture to the people as the main body, its essence is a typical example of the dumping of human culture, and in the weight personality, heavy moral, hit people.Of the Western culture while for the main body and the natural-based, tend to seek external performance, the hit-and-physical, but also how to value a person of.

  These are some factors affect learning English in different envireonment .so learning in a English environment , A native speaker is a very important point .We could found the differences from the process of learning English .



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