全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127


发布:5/25/2015 4:57:48 PM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:1310

Teach in the public schools in china


There are a lots of foreign teachers that wants to teach in the public shcools in china only, not any training schools and kingdergartens, so they just want to teach only in the public schools, this is their requirement and only condition, so the reason why is because they dont want to work any schools that need to work in the weekend, and most all the training schools that works on the weekend, and only public schools and universitys in china that works in the normal time from Monday to Friday, and having two days off per week on weekend satursday and Sunday, so this is the point, it does not matter about the salary level, training schools can offer higher salarty but for them is still nothing, they are not interested in any training schools and no matter how higher salary they are offering still they are not intersted at all, they just want to work in the public schools only.

So the problem is that public schools are not as much as the training centers now in china, cause most the public schools they have their own pay to get the foreign teachers and they may not need any job agency to recommend any foreigners to them, they have their own ways to get them, so there are only few of the public schools that needs the job agency to get them a foreign teachers, but still i will try all my best for my forein friends, also there are a lots of benefits to work in the public schools is that they will have full salary paied during the summer and winnter holidays, and also they will provide more benefits like the year contract finish nonus and the reimbursement of the air tickets and also will have allowance for the travellings every year, all those conditions and items are not be able to have in other type of schools like the kingdergarten and mostly the training school, so u will need to work in all holidays in those type of schools, and they will have a lots of work to do every week and every day, you will feel more tired to work in training schools and the kingdragartens, and you will not be able to have enough time for yourself and your family, what you will do all the time is work and work, you will not be free all the time, so thats why, if it is me that looking for jobs in abroad i will also want to work in the public schools, cause they will have more beneftis and more free time for enjoy and travelling, also will be able to have enough time for the familys to stay and enjoy together all the time, the public schools have the most resonable time shedule to work with, and also they dont have much work to do every week, normally just 20 teaching hours per week, and no office hours required, but some schools will need you to have office hours, but will not be too much, so this is normal and easy to deal with, so i will like to help the foreign teachers to get a public schools jobs for them as soon as possible, and also the schools will need to have their own requirement, normally they can hire only the good and more expericenced teachers who are highly qualified and expericenced, so not all can be hired of course, the schools will need to choose the most qualified and good one for them, so the first step is the interview, there are a lots of foerign teachers to do the interview with the school, but just passed easily by the school, that is because of that they are not good enough for them, so this is not easy right? You really need to be good and qualified and if you have more teaching expericence before for working in the public school then it will help a lot, you will get more chances than others, and the school can easily pick you and hire you directly, so there are a lots of skills in the interview, some foreign teachers does not pay high attention with the interview, cause they think they are more qualified and more expericenced and they are choosing the school, not the school choose them, so in the interview they are performance more proud and self think, so the school will not choose them of course even if they are really good and perfect, still the school will not choose them because they are not doing great and having the wrong attitude for the job.


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