全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127


发布:9/28/2015 3:20:34 PM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:1507



    生命诚可贵,爱情价更高。若为自由故,二者皆可抛… …


Dear Sir/Madam

my name is Lucy Stacklin, 16years old,Indonesian American.
I live in Jakarta with my sister Sylvia 17 years old and my mother Susy Stacklin.

In this letter I would like to remind you if you hire my Father Paul Stacklin, 55 years old, passport no.452072532  AMERICAN,   an ESL teacher , now still working and have contract until July 2015 to no.3 middle school in Jiayuguan Gansu province. China. He process his z visa in Beijing immigration 12 September 2014.                                                     
(attachment is his picture).                                 
Please ask him to submit LONO from my mother,     
Because he left us since December 2012.
He is not responsible to us.                                
I and my sister drop out n cant continue our education in 30 months, he also did not send us money regularly, he got some problem with debt collector.
I think he is not eligible as an educator but abandoned his own daughter education.
If you hire him without LONO my mother could charge your intuition hiding my father. Because in Indonesia marriage law spouse have to give permition to work abroad.
This warning to avoid court case possibility. 
and you will be get trouble n regret to hire him, because i still have more info about my father.
Im doing this to make him back to Indonesia for morally responsibility 
to his family to make him deserve as an educator 

For more further information, please,write or contact me on +6281318363042,if you know where he is working. So if you have information please tell me asap. maybe you can contact and search to all school or recruiter. Please help and give me info where he work. Or please report him to US embassy in Jakarta Indonesia .

His last news is ,he work near Lanzhou  in the small city in Gansu province on summer camp.His recruiter is UFEIC BILINGO. my mother plan to charge this recruiter soon with the crime evidence my father did.ps. his email address is pastacklin@hushmail.com. or gansufinest@yahoo.com.


I planned to upload the video on youtube

share and broadcast them to help the 

US embassy to catch him soon n the school

hired him must cooperative to not down the school reputation,

How can parents send their kids to this kind of teacher

moral, n will be bad example to children for their characters building.

thanks for your cooperation.


.Lucy stacklin

这就是照片里美国外教女儿Lucy给我发的一封邮件,大体意思是外教来自美国,到印尼有了两个女儿后没有尽到父亲的责任,2012年12月离开了他们母女,杳无音讯。由于没有给女儿们邮生活费,姐妹两个已经辍学30个月了。她们所了解的最后的消息是他们的父亲在甘肃兰州附近的一个小城市教学, 并提供了外教的照片,身份证和证件号码。

不知道情况是否属实,如果是真实的,希望这名外教能履行一个父亲的责任,这是最基本的道德责任, 否则何谈为人师表!


