全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 乌克兰
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 女
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1967年
  • 工作经验:2-5(年)
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:北京
  • 期望工作地点: 全国均可
  • 期望税后薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)




 December 2012 –May 2013 Business English language (ESL) teacher in private training school http://www.btc.kiev.ua Kiev. Ukraine
 Taught business English as a Second Language to brand managers of international companies http://www.bayer.com/ http://www.rb.com/home
 Planning and evaluating course content, course materials
 School report preparation including students’ individual test/exam grades with teacher’s comments on student’s general performance, effort level, strengths, and areas for concern.
 Exam preparation, developing oral and writing skills
October 2008 – July 2012 Russian as foreign language teacher Shandong Vocational College of Science and Technology山东科技职业学院 (Weifang, China) www.sdzy.com.cn
 Taught Russian as a Second Language (grammar, oral, written) .
 Taught special courses: “Business negotiations”, “Tourism Guide-Interpreting”, “Russian Traditions and Culture”, “Theory of translation”, as part of program vocational education.
 Designing tests, examination papers, week’s quizzes, exercises.
 Setting, marking and assessing examinations and coursework.
 Organizing social and cultural students’ activities: linguistic competitions, games, festivals, culture days.
 Participating in advertising events for the college
 Took part in college program to attract new students
1993-1995 Teacher of English language. Gymnasium with advanced study of English №287 (Kiev Ukraine) http://s287.kiev.ua/
Teaching English language (9-14 years old). Designing and development of learning materials. Overall classroom management, etc.
1992-1993 Teacher of English language Trading College №45. http://vku.com.ua/
Teaching English language students 17-18 years old. Development trade and economic topics based and program and language activities.
June 2013 – December 2013 manager of Advertising department “TSM group” http://tsm.kiev.ua/en/about.html
• Preparation for publication: articles, announcement, company news, press release.
• Organizing professional seminars, round tables, questioning.
• Participation in cross functional projects with sales department.
• Internal communication channels development - arranging information for intranet resources of the company.
May 2008- September 2008 Manager of Advertising department. “MEDVOYAGE” Ltd Kiev, Ukraine (organization medical tourism around the world www.medvoyage.com )
 Company leader interview preparation; make ready expert’s commentary for press.
 Seminars, brand-trainings, conferences management.
May 2001 - February 2008 Head Manager of Advertising department “TransExpo” Corporation. Kiev Ukraine (manufacturing, retail security systems etc., www.tsm.kiev.ua www.tiso.ua www.steelarm.ua )
 Managing, teambuilding creative group (4-6 people), allocated the obligations and result evaluation.
 Writing and made editing the commercial texts, product review, company news, PR releases.
1998-2001 Head of advertising department “PromSIZ” Ltd. Kiev Ukraine (manufacture and selling of working clothes, footwear, gloves, helmets www.promsiz.com).
 Competitor monitoring and analyses, new brands launching out and anchored its on market.
 POS material production, ATL\ BTL planning, coordination, exhibitions management, etc.,
1996-1997 Account executive “Blank Art” Local advertising agency - Kiev Ukraine
 Made search and attracting new clients. Carried out presentations, meetings, business proposal etc.,
1990-1992 –Engineer National Academy of Science. “The problem of material science”
www.materials.kiev.ua science research institute.



 Major Education and Qualifications:
1991-1995 Kiev National Linguistic University. Diploma Speciality - Foreign Language. Qualification - Teacher of English language. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyiv_National_Linguistic_University
1984-1990 National Technical University of Ukraine KPI. http://kpi.ua/en Engineer Diploma. Speciality – material research. Qualification – engineer of metallurgies.
Additional education
English language 2012 August- November:
TEYL Certificate (Teaching English for young Learners). New York City (USA)
“Rennert” training school www.rennert.com
Certificate of visiting upper-intermediate level course: “Teaching house” : www.teachinghouse.com.
February 2014-now student of Chinese language at Minzu University 民族大学 .




