全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127


发布:4/14/2015 4:59:13 PM作者:Lisa点击:1030

原标题:European English teachers who are not good enough to teach


I have been seen a lots of those foreign teachers who are coming from the europe and who are not seriouse in teaching and with others, who are just playing around, and not seriouse with people, they are so weired and strange, but they are from the europe so good country, but they are just not good people to work with, all they will do to you is waste your time for nothing, well i really hate those kind of people, it does not matter where they are come from, but i just hate them, they are not good people and not even seriouse people, so i think no body likes them.

But there are also those people that comes from the third country like the asia and the africa, but they are very good people and nice to work and deal wtih, they are very polite and very seriouse with you and never waste somebody’s time for nothing, so i really likes them so much and will like to work with those kind of foreigners for ever, they are really good and very nice people, so it really does not matters where you come from, its all about the personality and the quality of being a human being, so really does not matters where you comes from, so i only want to work with seriouse people does not matters where you comes from, so that is the point that is the key, this is what i really care about and also what others cares about, cause i really dont want to waste my time with any stupid people any more, i really dont like it i hate it so much, and i think others also dont like them at all, so they are not welcomed to people.

i had a expericences that i had a foreign english teachers who are comes from the europe, and he wanted a job in china so much, after few calls and the conversations i felt like that he is a nice person with good personality and i have decided to help him to get a job in china as soon as possible, so in the end i got him a job in the south city of china, its a very good school, i first set up an interview for him with the school, and they have had the interview through the skype video calls, and after the interview they noth liked each other so much, the guy likes the school cause the school fits all his reuqirement, and the school aslo liked him because he has all the conditions that the school wanted, so after the interview they noth feel so satisfied with each other, and the school has decided to buy him a train ticket to let him to arrives the school as soon as possible, so things went out very well at the very first begining, and after he arrives the school them he just stoped contacting with me, this is really made me very very mad, and he also told the school that he is the one that contacting the school all the time, and he got this job by himself, without any job agencys help, and the school of course did not believe what he said, and after his arrival to the school, and the school just satisfy with him with all the reuqirement that he have made, to buy him food and offered him a very comfortable accomdoation as has talked at the begining, and just to satisfy him with all the requirement that he has made, but the problems is that after fews days the foreign teacher just left the school without telling me and the reason that why he has left the school even the school themselves also does not know it very clearly, just saying that the foreign teacher has just left the school with no reason, and they also dont know why he has left, but all the things that happened just so strange and weired, and they just dont know why he has left, and the most important things is that such kind of big event he just done it without letting me know anything of it and even without telling about this at all, so i just felt like i wanted to kill him so much for what he did, really this is really so weired and i dont know why and in fact i know nothing about it at all, the only way that i know is from the school, they told me that he has left, so i just went very very mad, very mad at him and why i am dealing with this king of person so stupid and waste my time the school’s time for nothing, so later i decided to discover why he left the school, i what to know why at least i deserve to know the reason casue i am his agent.


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