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发布:4/14/2015 5:08:15 PM作者:Lisa点击:1176

原标题:How to deal with the native speakers who has skin colors


There are a lots of natives speakers they are native for sure, but the only problem is that they are having the skin colors, but the are really come from the english native speaking country, like the united states of america, and the canada, uk, there is no problems with the country and the native, and also they are having the same accent with the white people, but the only problem is that they are in dark skin colors and some are looks like african very dark but they are also having the same accent with the white people, the accent is perfect, so how to deal with those foreign teachers? This is a seriouse question, there are some schools wants native adn white people only, and also few schools can also accept the dark skin native speakers but with very good accent, so all i need to do is to find out which school can accept those teachers and which schools can not, so after get those details then will know clearly about the conditions and when to get them a foreign teachers will know what to do.

But to be honestly, i really dont like this, this is not good and also not the right thing to do, but what can i do? This is the reality of the fact, and there is nothing i can do and nothing i can change, everybody is like the same, and some are even worse, so this is really bad, i really dont like what is happened, and also the black native speakers are also know this very clearly by themselves, they knows that they are back, and some schools may not want them even if they are come from the native speaking country, so they also requires a lower salary then the white people, but they are also good and excellent, they are having the excellent accent and also having the teachers expericences, and they can teach very well, they also have a lots of skills to teach in the different level of the students and different group of ages, and they are a perfessional and good teachers just because of they are black and getting a lower salary then the white, and they are even more better the the white, so this is not fair at all, really not fair, i feel the same with them, really feel sorry for them, and also i am trying all the best to help them and get a better job for them, so thats all i can do for them.

They are a lots in china, and they are also good teachers who wants to teach and work and live in china for a long time, and they are also having the z working visa, and some are having business visa, but this are not the problem since there are schools can hire them and will solve the visa problems for them, and there are some foreign teachers can settle the visa problems by themselves, so they can do the visa by themself and can extend it or to exchange it, so no need the school to settle the visa for them, but also normally they will requires higher salary because of the visa that they can handle it by themselves, so they think that they deserves a better salary cause they can do the visa by themself, so this is very good, its a good advantage for them to getting a job here in china, and also the school will also wants to hire such kind of foreign teachers who are native speaker, and who are having the visa already for now and who can handle the visa by themself, and even if they are black but having a excellent accent, then the school will not care about this, and will still hire them because they are good enough for them for the school, and the most important thing is that the foreign teacher can do the visa by themselves, so the school will be more satisfied with this point, cause to do visa to a foreign teachers are very very complex and need a lots of momey and time to do it, so this is a hard work and also needs money and a lots of time and also needs perfessional people i mean the teachers in the school to deal with it all the time, so this is a hard work and not easy at all, so those foreign teachers has already settled the visa problems for the school and they liked it very much, so even if they pays the foreign teacher more salary they also willing to do so.



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